I have come to the end of my sojourn here in Paris, France and it is with deepest regret that I’ll have to return to my homeland (YESSSSSSS!) and leave the many acquaintances that I have made. But before the tears fall let me say a big thank you primarily to your teacher Mrs. Létant, a true gem, to the clerical staff of Claude Chappe and to the teachers those of whom took the time to relieve me of the nostalgia and entertain me with the pleasantries of what become my home away from home. This experience is inextricably linked to the students that I have placed in front of during my stay. By and large, I found you all really receptive, both to myself and the language. As such it was a pleasure having lessons with you.
The seven-month period here was a time where I was trying to put things into perspective not only concerning my dreams and future endeavours but also in terms of awareness of the culture of the French language. Returning to my homeland will mark a new period in my life in that I will become part of my county’s working population. In the same breath, the experience garnered here has been nothing short of magical except the CARTE DE SEJOUR (that I just received) and the SECURITE SOCIAL(forget it !!!!). The food, the architecture, the museums and all…..it is just to die for and wish to come back some day.
Au boulot….October 1, 2k6
Tablier rendu…April 30, 2k7
The seven-month period here was a time where I was trying to put things into perspective not only concerning my dreams and future endeavours but also in terms of awareness of the culture of the French language. Returning to my homeland will mark a new period in my life in that I will become part of my county’s working population. In the same breath, the experience garnered here has been nothing short of magical except the CARTE DE SEJOUR (that I just received) and the SECURITE SOCIAL(forget it !!!!). The food, the architecture, the museums and all…..it is just to die for and wish to come back some day.
Au boulot….October 1, 2k6
Tablier rendu…April 30, 2k7